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Wauwatosa Little League

Wauwatosa Little League

MAJORS (KID PITCH; 11-12 YRS OLD; 5th and 6th grade)

The focus in WMLL majors is still developmental in nature with an emphasis on teamwork and fostering a positive atmosphere among players and coaches.  This is a player pitch division at 46' Pitching and 60' base paths. Teams consist of 11-12 players (9 are used on defense).  This level of baseball is geared towards 5th and 6th graders.  See the age chart below; all skill levels are welcome.  

Spring Season: 
We play with other local communities such as Germantown, West Allis, Menomonee Falls, and other District 1 leagues to build our division. This division has the opportunity to make a run at the Little League World Series, last season Shorewood LL represented Wisconsin in pool play for the Little League World Series.  

Players are drafted by managers at the spring player draft in March.  Practices start in March at our indoor facility (the Hanger) and will transition to the outdoor fields as weather permits. Games are 2 hours in length or 6 complete innings and are played at Madison Park, in Wauwatosa.  Expect to play 12-16 games, including an annual end of year district tournament in July.  See Spring Season program page for more details.

age chart - majors

Kids with birthdays Sept 2012 to Aug 2014 must sign up for majors.


Players should come dressed ready to play wearing:
  • Team Jersey (provided by league)
  • Athletic or baseball pants (Note: baseball pants are provided for spring season only, for machine pitch divisions and above; these players are expected to wear baseball pants for all games)
  • Shoes (cleats preferred, athletic shoes acceptable)
  • For boys protective athletic cups (required to play catcher)
Players should bring (required):
  • Water bottle
  • Baseball glove
Players may bring (optional):
  • Personal baseball helmet
  • Personal baseball bat 
Note: USABat Standard bats must be used in the Little League Major Baseball Division and below. Either USABat Standard bats or BBCOR bats must be used at the Junior League Baseball Division.  See official Little League rules here.

The league provides:
  • Team helmets
  • Team bats
  • Catcher's gear
  • Baseballs

interested in volunteering?

As we gear up for the next season of Wauwatosa Little League Baseball, we're filled with excitement about the growth of our league. With more teams expected this season, the spirit of baseball is more vibrant than ever. But this growth brings us to an important call – a call for passionate and dedicated individuals like you!

If you are interested in volunteering, please see our volunteer pagesignup here, or email us at [email protected] and let us know how you'd like to be involved. Whether you have queries, need more information, or are ready to jump right in, we're here to assist.

Contact Us

Wauwatosa Little League

Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005

Email Us: [email protected]
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