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Wauwatosa Little League

Wauwatosa Little League


What are the Milwaukee Bombers?
The Milwaukee Bombers are a nonprofit select youth baseball program for players of Wauwatosa Little League, and any other players that are part of District 1 Little League organizations .  We provide WLL players the opportunity to play competitive baseball in a tournament setting against other teams primarily from Southeastern Wisconsin.  It is our goal to develop better baseball players and facilitate the development of young boys and girls with an emphasis on sportsmanship, leadership and community responsibility.  

Who is eligible to play?
Little League players 8u-14u are eligible to tryout to join a select team.  
We aim to have at least one team for each age group and will form additional teams if we have the numbers. The level of play can vary from year to year, depending on who tries out.  When there is substantial interest at any age level (number of children, talent, and coaches) a second team may also be formed!   Our goal is to maximize participation, while also considering the abilities of our athletes. We do stress the overall experience, which is about having fun, teaching baseball, and progressing. We want to encourage all that are interested to consider trying out for the team.

Where do the Bombers play and practice?
The Bombers team shares the WLL indoor training facility (the Hangar); this indoor training facility is one of the reasons why we are able to offer our players a quality experience at an extremely affordable price, while providing year-round opportunity for practice.   The teams practice at the Hangar throughout the winter and move to outdoor WLL fields once the weather permits.  Most tournaments are <1hr away; teams with kids at a more competitive level may choose to travel a bit farther for a higher level of competition.   

What is the time
Players are required to play on their respective little league teams, in addition to the select team.

Below is an EXAMPLE of a schedule for a Bomber team (an actual example for 2022-2023 U8 Bombers); actual schedules may vary.



1 time per week at Hangar (Saturday)N/A


1-2 times per week at Hangar (Wednesday and Saturday)



Practice begins with respective little league teams. Additional practice scheduled Sunday (to not conflict with little league) at the Hangar or outside if weather permits



Minimal practices due to increased little league commitments and tournament play

Two tournaments*


Minimal practices due to increased little league commitments and tournament play

Two tournaments*


Little league commitments wind down. Practice 1-2 times per week outside (Wednesday and Saturday) until all tournaments are done.

One tournament*

*Tournaments are typically the entire weekend, with 2 games played each day.

Some years/teams (or players across teams) have additionally played the All-Stars tournament in June/July/August that eventually determines participation for State championship or trip to the Little League World Series.

Some years/teams have chosen to play in an additional fall league; select team players are not required to play WLL fall ball, and this would be played instead (typically with an additional cost associated, that is similar to the cost of fall ball through the WLL).

Our program allows many of our players to play multiple sports--we encourage our players to be well rounded athletes.  

What does it cost?
The Bombers fee is intended to cover the entry fees for tournaments, in addition to operating costs.  The fee can vary by year, depending on the number of tournaments and other operating costs. Cost to participate in WLL and/or fall ball is also separate. 

The Bombers fee for U8-U10 players 2023-2024 Season was $375 (including the $100 deposit and one complete uniform).

Note: while certainly not required, families typically also purchase team apparel, which can range from $15-20 for a t-shirt or hat to $40-60 for apparel such as polos, sweatshirts, or pullovers. Kids play tournaments in both hot and cooler weather; when parents plan to dress for all conditions it adds up quickly and it is not unusual for families to spend well over $200, at least the first year.

How do I join?
Tryouts are held in July of each year for the following year. Note: players tryout for the age group that matches the next year’s level, with a May 1 cutoff (ie a U8 player still needs to be 8 by May 1 of the following year and therefore will typically tryout as 7-year-olds).


Bombers is run entirely by the volunteer efforts of our parents. We have a group of skilled and passionate volunteer coaches who work hard to make our program not only instructive but fun.  If you have an interest in joining the volunteer team as a head coach, assistant coach, or helping with anything at all, please let us know.  


Contact us: [email protected]

Contact Us

Wauwatosa Little League

Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005

Email Us: [email protected]
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